Barrier Film For Food Packaging: Essential for Safety and Freshness

barrier films for food packaging

With today’s discerning and savvy consumer, the demand for fresh and safe food has never been higher. Food products travel greater distances before reaching customers, thanks to growing global distribution networks. The food industry must rely heavily on advanced packaging solutions in order to ensure that these products remain fresh and safe along their journey. Among these, barrier film for food packaging is an innovative, stand-out product. 

Barrier films are made of thin layers of material that provide protection for food products. Their design prevents the permeation of gases, moisture and other environmental factors that can compromise the quality and safety of food. Barrier film for food packaging provide an important shield against oxygen, moisture, aroma and flavor and provides enhanced safety for products in the food industry. Let’s explore further how barrier films work against food’s environmental enemies.

Oxygen Barrier

Barrier films act as a barrier against oxygen. Oxygen promotes the growth of aerobic microorganisms and leads to oxidation of fats and oils. This growth and oxidation affect both the flavor and nutritional value of food, reducing its shelf life significantly. Using barrier film for food packaging effectively blocks oxygen and allows food manufacturers to dramatically extend product shelf life and maintain food quality.

Moisture Barrier

Another critical aspect of food packaging is moisture control. Depending on the requirements of the food product, barrier films can prevent moisture from entering or leaking from the product. In products such as crackers, potato chips and cereals, keeping moisture out is essential in order to maintain their crispy texture. On the other side of the coin, when it comes to products such as fresh fruits and vegetables, moisture must be retained to prevent them from drying out. Barrier film for food packaging provides the essential protection needed to keep moisture levels optimal, preserving the texture and freshness of food. 

Aroma and Flavor Barrier

Consumer satisfaction depends on the preservation of aromas and flavors. Barrier film packaging prevents the transfer of noxious compounds and  plays an important role in maintaining the good taste and smell of food products. This is absolutely essential for products such as coffee and spices. By using barrier film for food packaging, companies ensure that consumers have a pleasant and satisfying experience with their products.

Enhanced Safety

The importance of food safety in manufacturing cannot be understated. Consumers need to be able to trust that the products they purchase are safe to eat and enjoy. Barrier film for food packaging provides a strong, trustworthy barrier that shields against contaminants and pathogens. These films help maintain the hygienic integrity of their contents and can be combined with other technologies such as antimicrobial agents. These agents can further extend shelf life and promote food safety, building confidence and trust with consumers.

Call Polymerall for Barrier Film for Food Packaging 

Barrier film for food packaging is indispensable in the modern food industry. Polymerall can partner with your company to provide barrier film packaging with a superior oxygen and moisture barrier. Trust our packaging solutions to extend product shelf life and maintain freshness and flavor in your food products. Call us for a free custom quote today!