Compostable Pouches: The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Coffee Packaging

Coffee is one of those staple drinks that has been enjoyed all around the world for centuries. It’s important culturally and economically, considering that, globally, more than two billion cups are enjoyed daily. Considering its popularity on this scale, it’s no wonder that coffee packaging is an important topic. Single-use coffee packaging may add convenience for daily drinkers, but concerns have been raised regarding growing waste in landfill sites. 

“Eco-friendly coffee packaging is now making its way to the forefront of this conversation.

Eco-Friendly Coffee Packaging

There are a few forms of eco-friendly coffee packaging currently in the packaging market. Pouches made with recycled and/or recyclable materials are eco-friendly options to consider. Biodegradable packaging is also one of these options. Compostable pouches are a type of biodegradable packaging, designed to break down into natural, non-toxic elements within a certain time frame. For this reason, compostable coffee pouches tend to be the most eco-friendly coffee packaging currently available.

Benefits of Compostable Coffee Pouches

Of course, one of the main benefits of using compostable coffee pouches is that it reduces harmful waste, helping the world move to a more sustainable future. But eco-friendly coffee packaging also communicates to increasingly concerned customers that your brand is conscious of environmental issues. This encourages brand loyalty from current customers and creates a following with new ones as well.

Compostable Packaging Performance

Compostable packaging can stand up to the same level of performance as other types of packaging and laminations. Because coffee is a specialty product that requires specific considerations for retaining flavor and aroma, you need a packaging manufacturer that knows which combination of materials should be used in your eco-friendly coffee packaging.

Compostable Conditions

Compostable coffee pouches will not degrade just anywhere, so there’s no concern that this eco-friendly coffee packaging will break down on the store shelves. You can include instructions on your compostable coffee pouches which will help direct customers on the best way to compost the packaging after use. 

Polymerall can help! 

Polymerall knows coffee packaging and the special considerations they require, such as strong barriers, seal strength and degassing options. Our new compostable coffee pouches have high-barrier properties that have been designed to lock in flavor and aroma and are customizable for brand differentiation. Reach out today to find out more about our eco-friendly coffee packaging options.